
In my last post, I discuss the motivation for using cumulative ordinal regression models to represent ordinal dependent measures, such …

My lab from graduate school, which once studied cooperation, has pivoted to focusing on misinformation and fake news. Although I’ve …

Imagine you’re a juror in a criminal trial in which the defendant, John, is alleged to have murdered his former boss. The prosecution …

Riding my Peloton is one of my favorite hobbies. Sometimes, though, my real-life friends don’t want to be my Peloton friends. They …

It’s common for modelers to want to estimate uncertainty over fractions or probabilities. For example, we might want to estimate the …

In the fall of 2021, I taught a seminar on good reasoning. A central aim of the course was to teach students to think about probability …

A friend of mine once told me about a colleague of his with a controversial opinion: it’s a good thing that elite colleges …

I recently read a book about how Big Data can help you “get what you really want in life” and avoid over-relying on your …

All of the code for this workshop is available on GitHub. We encourage you to play around with the examples as you follow along. …